

文化 - 2023年2月27日


希瑟的坟墓 | 商业新闻


威尼斯注册送38元的一名员工正在监控一个120吨重的保温炉, 是什么保持铁水的温度以防止冷却.

威斯康辛州东北部——回顾过去30年, 托德·佩格尔, 威尼斯注册送38元的副总裁, 他说他希望自己的人生能走上一条与现在完全不同的道路. 
“我在一个小镇上长大,在我们社区的一个农场工作,”他说. “当我高中毕业的时候, 我上了一年半的大学, 再加上我在一家大型肉牛公司工作的经验, 我上学是为了成为一名兽医.”

佩格尔在意识到大学不适合他之后说, 他回到家,回到社区农场工作.

“After about eight months of being back, I felt guilty about not finishing school,他说. “I thought, ‘well, if I'm going to go back to school, I need to be able to support myself.’”

佩格尔说他的一个朋友在威尼斯注册送38元工作, 在他意识到之前, 一件事接一件事, 他开始在铸造厂工作.

“他给我看了他的工资单,我说, “圣牛, 这和在农场工作有很大的不同,’”他说。. “所以,我向威尼斯注册送38元公司递交了申请,并被录用了.”

Pagel said his intention was to work at the foundry for a year to a year and a half, 存一些钱,然后回到学校.

“嗯, 在那一年半里, 我遇到了我的妻子, 我们订婚了,然后买了房子,他说. 一年后, 我们的女儿出生了,然后你就知道了, 你说的, ‘嘿, there's lots of opportunity at Waupaca铸造 – there's no reason why I can't make a career here.”




在过去的三十年里, Pagel has worked his way up the ladder thanks in part to the opportunities he said the foundry has provided him.

“我一开始是在我们所谓的成型部门做普通工人,”他说. “我在模具部门做了几年操作员. 然后我扮演了一个有质量的角色. 然后,我被要求回到模具部门担任团队负责人. 然后我从队长变成了领班, 然后是生产助理经理, 生产经理, 然后是工厂助理经理, 工厂经理, 营运总监,现在是营运副总裁.”



“We could line up 100 people or more who could tell a similar story to mine,他说. “铸造厂就像一个家庭.”


威尼斯注册送38元对我和我的家人来说是一个了不起的机会,”他说. “Everything Waupaca铸造 has given me, I feel like I'm responsible for giving back. 我们有很多员工都有同样的感觉, 这又回到了从内部提升的家庭氛围和文化.”

罗伯•约翰逊, 威尼斯注册送38元行政执行副总裁兼首席财务官, 尽管他在公司的任期没有佩格尔那么长, 他对铸造厂家庭般的氛围有着深刻的体验.

“我父亲在这家公司工作了35年, 我这辈子都在威尼斯注册送38元工作,他说. “我确实在磨坊里做过暑期大学帮工. 我还在应收帐款部门工作了一个暑假.”


A Waupaca铸造 employee inspects iron castings as they make their way through the mill room. 提交的照片

Johnson said one of the consistent strengths of Waupaca铸造 – which got its start in 1971 as Pioneer Foundry – has been its employees.

“我认为我学到的一件事是, 部分原因可能是我父亲在这里工作了35年, 钱是在场内赚的吗,他说. “I think sometimes executives get to a level and think they're taking all the shots and doing all these important things, 但当事情发生的时候, 钱是在场内赚的.”


“当你有一种你在内部推广的文化, 我认为每个人都有相同的价值观,他说.

Johnson said internal candidates fill 80% of all management positions at Waupaca铸造.

“当你看看我们这些年的成功, 没有优秀的人才和优秀的领导,就不会有成功,他说. “这有点陈词滥调, but I think Waupaca铸造 is a great example of practicing what we preach and promoting within. It has been extremely critical, and quite frankly, has been a competitive advantage for us.”

Pagel said those “proof is in the pudding” examples are seen firsthand by foundry employees.

“在我们内部的所有推动下, (员工们)可以看到这种情况在一年中多次得到加强,他说. “他们相信自己的努力会得到晋升的回报. 我觉得我们的员工看到了这一点, they see the opportunity and it certainly provides motivation to give us their best.”

今天, 这家铸造厂雇佣了大约4名员工,000 people and has grown to be North America’s leading supplier of iron castings to the automotive, 商用车辆, 农业, 建筑及工业市场.

该公司在沃帕卡有七家铸铁厂, 马里内特, 告诉城市, 印第安纳州, Etowah, 田纳西和劳伦斯维尔, 宾夕法尼亚州- 1票.产能400万吨.


威尼斯注册送38元的一名员工正在处理装运的铸铁件. 这家铸造厂是全球领先的铸铁件供应商. 提交的照片

It also has machining and assembly finishing operations in Waupaca and Effingham, Illinois.

莎拉蒂姆, 威尼斯注册送38元的市场总监, said it sometimes surprises people that the foundry is the world’s largest supplier of iron casting because it isn’t a consumer-facing brand.

“我们是二级供应商,”她说. “你可以来这里,在你家门口为世界领导人工作. You can bring your best to the organization and make a difference day in and day out. 在这个过程中做出改变,尽你所能, 它使你处于独特的位置,可以承担先进的角色. 我认为这是关键.”

Johnson said the foundry has opportunities available from entry-level up to executive-level administration and everything in between.

“People who want to work hard and advance themselves, there are tremendous opportunities,他说. “人们在生活中的欲望有很多不同的变化, 我想我们可以满足他们的任何需求. 并不是每个人都想成为一名高管. 不是每个人都想成为经理, but there's always an opportunity for people who work for Waupaca铸造 to have those opportunities.”

Johnson said though the foundry is fully committed to investing in its current workforce, 他们也欢迎新员工.

“我们已经讨论了很多关于内部推广的问题, 我认为这是个很好的机会, but it also doesn't mean we're excluding people coming from outside Waupaca铸造 that want to be a part of it,他说. “We've hired some great talent from outside the foundry who wanted to get their foot in the door. 在他们踏入这扇门之后, 他们意识到我们是一家多么伟大的公司……我认为这种融合很重要.”


“我们正在把越来越多的高中纳入我们的设施,”他说. “有时, 铸造厂的刻板印象是肮脏的, 但是当老师和学生进来的时候, 我认为这让他们大开眼界,意识到这是多么的不同. 我们在威尼斯注册送38元有一个很棒的导师项目. 我们有大学生实习机会. So, we've got a lot of opportunities at the company for pretty much anyone that is willing to give it a try.”

佩格尔说,随着他的晋升, 在新的岗位上,他对铸造业务有了更广阔的视野.

他说:“我们所做的事情是一个接一个的过程。. “我们有熔化过程. 我们有核心制造过程. 我们有成型过程. 我们有浇注铁工艺、筛砂工艺和磨房工艺.”


“(That doesn’t include) all the admin processes that support the operation,他说. “通过我在威尼斯注册送38元的职业生涯, 我越来越多地接触到所有这些制造过程, 这对经验知识很有帮助. 我们做了很多事情,即使你可能有背景, or you may have come to us as an engineer or have other educational backgrounds – there's still stuff you have to learn by doing our process and by learning the Waupaca way, 正如我们所说的.”

当他爬上劳动力阶梯的时候, 佩格尔说任何让他在某个角色受挫的事, 当他成为那个领域的领导者时, he tried to rectify those frustrations so others wouldn’t experience the same frustrations he did.

“I've had the fortunate opportunity to look at both sides of the fence all the way up to my vice president of operations role,他说. “I think it's given me a good perspective to understand what causes challenges and roadblocks for people, 然后能够给他们我的经验知识,我们如何克服这些.”




“When you can say, ‘I used to run this molding machine, this is what frustrates me. 是什么让你沮丧??’”他说。. “You can have that bond because you've done it before and you can speak the language. Those are the ways I have applied that knowledge coming up through the ranks to support the various different departments or plants (that I am now leading).”

Pagel said his experiential knowledge also helps with his interactions with clients.

“In many different conversations (I’ve had with customers) when I tell them, ‘I'm 托德·佩格尔. 我来自威尼斯注册送38元. I have 30 years in at the foundry’ – you can automatically see a comfort level come over to them,他说. “你可以看到,看到这个男人或女人了解他们的业务,他们会感到安慰. They are comforted by the fact that there are so many people at Waupaca铸造 that have that level of tenure and that level of experience from the shop floor up into the intricacies of what we do.”

Johnson said being located in Waupaca – a Northeast Wisconsin city of just more than 6,000 people – the foundry has a different dynamic than other companies of similar size.

他说:“我们的工厂设在城市不大的小地方。. “我想说,我们这种规模的几家大公司没有这种氛围.”

Johnson said the foundry does everything it can to be a “good social community member.”

“With our collaboration we're trying to do with the school district and working with the city on different projects – I want everyone to understand we're a great place for a long-term career, 不管你愿意做什么,他说.

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